Legal Express - FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

And their answers

I have customised My Topics. Do I still have access to all topics if I need to check another subject area?

See Answer

I am only interested in content from one jurisdiction. Can I view just that content?

See Answer

Can I access CaseBase and LawNow from the LegalExpress website?

See Answer

When are CaseBase and LawNow links made available on the LegalExpress website?

See Answer

What if I forget my password?

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What happens if I change my email address in My Account?

See Answer

How does the search function operate?

See Answer

How is information sorted on the “Date” tab?

See Answer

I use Internet Explorer Version 6 (IE6) and the website is not displaying properly. Why?

See Answer

I have feedback on LegalExpress or I need further assistance. Who do I contact?

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I am not a customer of LexisNexis but I wish to subscribe to LegalExpress. What do I do?

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I am a university student – am I eligible to sign-up for LegalExpress?

See Answer