Legal Express - FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

And their answers

What is LegalExpress?

See Answer

When will my daily email arrive?

See Answer

Can I check on updates throughout the day without having to wait until 9am the next business day?

See Answer

How quickly is information included in LegalExpress?

See Answer

What type of content is included?

See Answer

How do I know what is covered in each topic?

See Answer

What do I do if I no longer wish to receive a daily email?

See Answer

I need an alerting service focused more on news and business – are there any options available for me?

See Answer

How do I customise topics?

See Answer

Do I have to customise topics?

See Answer

How often can I change my preferences?

See Answer

Can I set up different customisations for My Topics (website view) and for my daily LegalExpress email?

See Answer